08 februari 2016

If people have a strong personality, they also have a bigger shadow.

It was a brief conversation
I know you feel sad like I do
Missing out on moments
That sometimes feels important to be in
It's okay dear,
I have never seen someone so hopeful in life
but me
And that is you
There will always be moments passing by
Making us jealous of each other
But the best moments
Are those we actually can capture together.

Bit för bit, varje gång
Sakta men säkert
Formas bitar till en helhet
Fysiskt och psykiskt

Karaktär, säkerhet och självständighet,
Tre ord jag nu är välbekant med.

It was still my decision to make
It was still good enough for me to be me and myself only
I don't need people like you dimmin my fucking lights
I'm my own source of energy now
It was well known that I had an addiction,
Leaning on someone else
Don't pull that crap on me now
Don't come tell me that I'm fucked up just because I actually know who I am,
and what i want
You barely knew me and you never will
I know what bad decisions are
And not being with your was
One of the best decisions i made.

ps. I hope that you shine the way you always do
Living the way you hoped to.

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